Alicia's engaging personality and her passion for color contributed to a very dynamic and energetic day for my team and they walked away with a stronger connection with color. I received overwhelming positive feedback and several months after the workshop I still hear comments on how amazing and inspiring their experience was at this workshop.

I have been consistently impressed with her creativity, design and color skills as well as her professionalism.

DR • Fairfield CA


A few hours with Alicia changed everything... She taught me to ‘see’ clearly what the effect is when I put a color next to my face that really pops – how it helps my complexion look rosy, how it makes my eyes brighter, even how it enhances the tone of my hair. The ‘right’ color makes me feel confident and energetic.  Color consultation with Alicia has given me the confidence to buy the right clothes for me. It’s a great investment in enhancing your personal power!

HM • Asheville NC


Alicia was able to help me understand what parts of color knowledge I was missing and make the link between my intuition and how to put it into practice. Alicia has a great command of her material and brings her assorted professions to play in class, bringing out just the right source at the right time with the student who needs it.

LCM • Asheville NC



Alicia has a profound passion as well as deep expertise on the subject
of color, and is great at engaging her audience - making the content come alive for them...  There were visible results in the level of comfort and confidence that the participants gained in working with color.

TV • Berkeley CA


As a person who struggles with dressing myself in the most advantageous way, my color consultation with Alicia gave me structure and confidence when I shop. I now know what colors to look for and how to put outfits together. I give Alicia all the credit when I am told "that color looks great on you!"

KAP • Los Angeles CA